Antigen and Antibody Reaction
Antigen and Antibody Reaction

Antigen and Antibody Reaction

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Antigen and Antibody Reaction


An antigen is a substance or molecules when introduced into the body triggers the production of an antibody by the immune system. Antibody kills or neutralizes the antigen that is recognised as a foreign and potentially harmful invader. The antigen can be molecules such as pollen or cells such as bacteria.


Antibody is a protein produced as a result of interaction with an antigen. It has ability to combine with the specific antigen that stimulate its production.

Antigen and Antibody Reaction
Antigen and Antibody Reaction

Antigen and Antibody Reaction

The precept of antigen-antibody reaction is the idea of the immune response in our frame. Antigens are substances which might be identified via the immune machine as overseas, and antibodies are proteins produced by way of the immune gadget to neutralize or eliminate those overseas materials.

The interplay between antigens and antibodies is relatively precise and occurs thru the formation of antigen-antibody complexes. Antibodies bind to antigens through their antigen-binding sites, that are located on the variable vicinity of the antibody molecule. This binding can cause a chain of activities that cause the elimination of the antigen.

Types of Antigen and Antibody Reaction

There are unique types of antigen-antibody reactions, which include :-

  1. Precipitation,
  2. Agglutination,
  3. Complement fixation,
  4. Neutralization.

In Precipitation reactions, the antigen-antibody complexes form a seen precipitate, which can be seen as a cloudy or opaque solution.

In Agglutination reactions, the antigen-antibody complexes cause the clumping of cells or debris.

In Complement fixation reactions, the binding of the antigen-antibody complexes turns on the complement machine, leading to the destruction of the antigen.

In Neutralization reactions, the binding of antibodies to antigens prevents the antigens from inflicting harm.

The specificity of the antigen-antibody reaction is due to the complementary shapes of the antigen and the antigen-binding site of the antibody. This specificity allows the immune device to distinguish among self and non-self molecules, and to mount a centered response against foreign invaders.Usual, the antigen-antibody reaction is a crucial mechanism for the frame’s defense against pathogens and other overseas materials. The antigen-antibody response is a essential method of the adaptive immune device, which provides specific defense in opposition to invading pathogens which include bacteria, viruses, and parasites. The immune device can understand and respond to a extensive variety of antigens, which includes proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

The manufacturing of antibodies against antigens takes place via a complicated manner concerning the activation of B lymphocytes, which are specialised immune cells that can produce antibodies. When a B cell encounters an antigen, it’s far activated and undergoes clonal expansion, which leads to the production of a big wide variety of equal B cells, every generating the same particular antibody. The antibodies are then launched into the bloodstream, wherein they are able to apprehend and bind to the antigen.

The binding of antibodies to antigens could have special effects, relying at the form of antibody and the nature of the antigen. For example, IgG antibodies, which can be the most common kind of antibody in the blood, can neutralize pollution and viruses, set off complement, and facilitate phagocytosis through immune cells. IgE antibodies, however, are concerned in allergies and might cause the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils. The antigen-antibody reaction is highly specific, which means that every antibody can apprehend and bind simplest to a selected antigen or a intently related institution of antigens. This specificity is because of the specific structure of the antigen-binding web site, which is fashioned by way of the variable regions of the antibody molecule. The variable areas can go through somatic hypermutation, a system that generates a diverse repertoire of antibodies with exclusive antigen-binding specificities.

In precis, the precept of antigen-antibody reaction is a fundamental mechanism of the immune system that allows the frame to understand and respond to overseas antigens. The specificity and variety of this reaction allow the immune gadget to mount a targeted and effective protection in opposition to a wide variety of pathogens and different foreign substances.

What is Bacteria?

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Hello I am Rajesh Daheriya (BMLT, MMLT in Medical Microbiology) I Working on Government Civil Hospital as a Medical Laboratory Technologists and Teaching in Paramedical College.

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