Osmotic Fragility Test Of Erythrocyte


Osmotic Fragility Test Of Erythrocyte INTRODUCTION Red blood cell membrane restricts the solutes and allows only water to pass through them(osmosis). if the cells are placed in hypertonic solution sodium chloride (solution concentrated than normal saline e.g. 2%, (W/V), they shrink due to exosmosis. The red cells absorb water when kept in hypertonic solution (solution […]

Preparation of Lupus Erythematosus (LE) Cell


Preparation of Lupus Erythematosus (LE) Cell INTRODUCTION Antinuclear antibodies occur in the serum in a wide range of autoimmune disorders, including systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A characteristic of SLE is the presence of 7S IgG antibodies to double standard DNA (ds – DNA). LE (lupus erythematosus) cells are a type of abnormal immune cell that […]

Definition of Colorimeter , Beers, Lambert Law, use and their Components


Definition of Colorimeter The body fluid such as blood (seram and Plasma) CSF and urine etc. contain several organic and Inorganic substances for example, blood contains organic substance such as Glucose, urea, uric acid, creatinine, Protein, etc. It also contains inorganic cations, such as sodium, potassium, calcium etc. and anion such as inorganic phosphorus chloride, […]

What is Parasite? and their Types


What is Parasite? and their Types What is Parasite? All infectious agents are parasites that are dependent on any living Organism. For nourishment, growth and multiplication. The study of parasite that cause disease in man is called as medical parasitology. Clinical parasitology deals with those pathogenic Organism which are bigger in size than bacteria and […]