Physical Examination of Urine


The various aspects studied for the physical examination of urine are:- Volume, colour, Appearance, Sediment formation, odor, Reaction and pH, Specific gravity. 1. Volumes 2. Color 3. Appearance 4. Sediment Formation 5. Odor 6. Reaction and pH 7. Specific gravity Physical Examination of Urine Physical Examination of Urine 1. Volume For an adult the normal […]

What is Clinical Pathology


What is Clinical Pathology Clinical pathology is the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of bodily fluids and tissues to diagnose and monitor diseases. It includes the subspecialties of hematology, chemistry, microbiology, immunology, and coagulation. Clinical pathologists work in hospitals, reference laboratories, and research institutions, interpreting test results and consulting with physicians […]